A Community Space for Empowerment:
Le Centre Artisanal des Femmes

On-going - January 1998-January 2000


Le Centre Artisanal des Femmes (CAF), located at 207 Duluth Ave. E., Montreal, is a non-profit community artisanal workshop that provides a transitional and healing space for women.

Their mission is to encourage women to become skilled, creative, choice-making individuals active in the growth of a supportive community organization. The membership is diverse but specifically targets women from economically marginalized groups, recent immigrants, the under and unemployed, and women who are homeless, mentally or emotionally challenged.

CAF is a space where women can learn artisanal crafts such as weaving, book-binding, stain-glass, sewing and fabric printing. Through the acquisition of such skills women gain self-confidence, a sense of purpose, artistic training, and a feeling of belonging.

As one of the contributing artists for the But Now I Have To Speak project I have been working with the students, staff and board of directors at CAF to assist in the growth of the organization from a Centre which provides a social service, to one which can foster both social action and social change. Rather than this work manifesting itself as one intervention producing a public art work, this project is about the process of working with a community based group over a substantial period of time to create change within the organization which will continue on after the completion of the But Now I Have To Speak project, and beyond my own involvement.




My work - photography, performance, and community interventions - are about making visible those processes or practices which, while seemingly "natural", are mediated and motivated.

From the management of nature in parks, to socialization through children's games and education, to the systematic exclusion of marginalized persons from social and cultural resources, I try to place gloves upon invisible guiding hands.

I am attracted to the small, to details, to that which would go unnoticed.

By focusing on what is otherwise overlooked or ignored - what a community throws in the garbage, or the shifting seasons through time and place - I want to encourage a second look, a thoughtful inquiry, or a mindful acknowledgment of one's presence and its effects where on life, work.

My constant hope is to engender dialogue which questions power and empowers those who feel they lack it.





Caroline Stevens is a Montreal based activist, artist and educator. For the past five years she has been working in community based groups on issues of women and violence; and women's empowerment through art production.
Stevens is concomitantly a Ph.D. candidate in Special Individualized Programs at Concordia University and is writing a dissertation entitled: Making Space: The Spatial Politics of Cultural Resistance.









Concordia University
Ph.D.Special Individualized Programs:
Art History & Cultural Studies


Concordia University
M.A. Art History


York University
Special Student
Visual Arts


Wilfrid Laurier University,
Honours. Bachelor of Arts
Major: Political Science
Minor: Fine Arts


Social Sciences
and Humanities
Research Council
Doctoral Fellowship


Concordia University
External Grant
Holder Doctoral


The J. W. McConnel
Doctoral Fellowship
Concordia University


Department of Art History
Entrance Award
Concordia University


Course Instructor
Art History 367/2
20th-Century Art
and Architecture
Department of Art History


Course Instructor
Art History 381/2
Feminism and Art History,
Department of Art History
Concordia University


Course Instructor
Art History 392/4
Department of Art History
Concordia University


Course Instructor
Art History 381/2
Feminism and Art History Department of Art History
Concordia University


Teaching Assistant
Art History 392/4
Gender Issues
Concordia University


Research Assistant
Art History
Concordia University


Director & Curator
The Samuel J. Zacks

Art Gallery

York University


Adult Education
Program Coordinator
The McMichael Art Collection,


Centre Artisanal des Femmes
Board of Directors,


Centre Artisanal des Femmes


Auberge Transition
(Shelter for Victims of Conjugal Violence)

In Progress,
January 1998 - November 1999

Community Intervention
A Community Space for Empowerment:

Centre Artisanal des Femmes
Montreal, Quebec, CA

August 27th

Lies My Father Told Me:
Day Long Performance
Montreal, Quebec, CA

June - July

Bread and Puppets,
a Radical Community Theatre Collective
Glover, Vermont USA

March 31

Musical Chairs:
What are They Teaching You?

Canadian Federation of Students Demonstration
Montreal, Quebec, CA


February 25

The Discreet Tourist
The Golden Ring Gallery (unsolicited)
Prague, Czech Republic


October - November

Spend/Your Soul
Daily ritual of using currency inscribed with provocative text problematizing consumerism
Montreal, Quebec, CA

November 1-30

Group Exhibition
Gifts from Brazil, The Travel Diaries of Two
(with Cynthia Hammond)
Festival for Human Rights
Gallery ISART
Montreal, Quebec, CA

October - November

Isnšt This Sexy?

An Exploration of Childlike Clothing for Women Private Residence
Montreal, Quebec, CA



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Pollock, Griselda, Generation and Geographies in the Visual Arts. (New York and London: Routledge, 1996).

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Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty, In Other Worlds: Essays in Cultural Politics. (New York and London: Routledge, 1988).

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