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and Symbolizing Trauma, workshop
summary: |
other speakers: S.Golden | S.Lacy |
Papers Presented
| Publications: Books, Journal Articles/Book
Personal Information Born: March 2, 1947 |
Education | |||
A.A. | Everett Community College | Nursing (R.N.) | 1969 |
B.S. | University of Washington | Psychology | 1974 |
Ph.D. | Wright Institute Los Angeles | Social/Clinical Psychology | 1979 |
Dissertation: The Dialetics of Production and Reproduction: An Analysis of the Ideological Development of the Birth Control Movement |
Internships | |||
Major's Office on Aging, Los Angeles | 1974 | ||
Postgraduate Center, Wright Institute, Los Angeles | 1977 | ||
St. John's Hospital and Health Center, Mental Health Center, Santa Monica | 1978 |
Professional Experience | ||
Professor | Department of Psychology, Portland State University | 1991-Date |
Associate Professor | Department of Psychology, Portland State University | 1983-1990 |
Director of Clinical Training | Department of Psychology, Portland State University | 1979-1986 |
Clinic Instructor of Psychiatry | Department
of Psychiatry, Portland State University University of Oregon Health Sciences Center |
1978-1979 |
of Staff Training/ Clinical Supervisor |
Health Center St. John's Hospital and Health Center |
1976-1978 |
Psychiatric Nurse Specialist | Division of Child Psychiatry, University of Washington | 1970-1973 |
Staff Nurse/Research Assistant | Clinical
Research Center University Hospital University of Washington |
1969-1970 |
Professional Organizations |
Oregon Psychological
Association Oregon Psychoanalytic Foundation |
Courses Taught |
Psychology, Psychology of Women, Women and Organizational Psychology, Women
and Film Counseling, Personality Theory, Social Psychology, Motivation and Work, Theories of Psychotherapy (grad.), Foundations of Clinical (grad.), Advanced Seminar in Psychotherapy (grad.), Clinical Interviewing (grad.), Psychopathology (grad.), Occupational Stress (grad.), Work and Family (grad.) |
J.Haaken : top | Papers Presented | Publications: Books, Journal Articles/Book Chapter |
other speakers: S.Golden | S.Lacy |
Papers Presented |
Haaken, J. (1999, March). The domestication of the domestic violence movement. Paper presented at the meetings of the Association for Women in Psychology, Providence, RI. |
Haaken, J. (1999, March). The Psych-politics of domestic violence: An analysis of cycle of violence theory. Paper presented at Haverford College, Haverford, PA. |
Haaken, J. (1998, November). The feminizing of the unconscious: Women, psychotherapy and hidden knowledge. Paper presented at the San Francisco Psychoanalytic Institute, San Francisco, CA. |
Haaken, J. (1998, October). Clinical horror stories: Bodies, psychic borders, and social boundaries. Paper presented at Willamette University, Salem, OR. |
Haaken, J. (1997, August). The trauma model: Insights and hysterical blind spots. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL. |
Haaken, J. (1997, August). The ghost in the machine: Emotion and the science of memory. Keynote address presented at the meeting of the American Psycholgical Association, Chicago, IL. |
Haaken, J. (1997, May). Women's stories of hidden selves and secret knowledge: A feminist psychoanalytic analysis. Paper presented at the Conference on Believed-In Imaginings, Clark University, Worcester, MA. |
Haaken, J. (1994, April). Critical issues in trauma theory: The psychology and politics of victimization. Keynote address presented at the 13th annual Northwest Conference on Child Sexual Abuse, Portland, OR. |
Haaken, J. (1993, December). The repressed memory debate as psychodrama: A psychoanalytic feminist perspective. Paper presented at The New School of Social Research, New York, NY. |
Haaken, J. (1993, December). The repressed memory debate as psychodrama: A psychoanalytic feminist perspective. Paper presented at the Conference on Memory and Trauma, Clark University, Worcester, MA. |
Haaken, J. (1993, May). The psychodynamics and sexual politics of right wing movements. Paper presented at the meeting of the Oregon Psychological Association, Lincoln City, OR. |
Haaken, J. (1992, October). Clinical discourse on sexual abuse: Memory as cultural and personal narrative. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Pittsburgh Association of Psychotherapists, Pittsburgh, PA. |
Reynolds Kwee, J. & Haaken, J. (1992, April). The social construction of grandmothering in the workplace. Paper presented at the meeting of the Western Psychological Association, Portland, OR. |
Haaken, J. (1992, March). Further thoughts on sexual abuse: The nature of memory, fantasy and desire. Invited address presented at the meeting of the Western Massachusetts Psychological Association, Amherst, MA. |
Reynolds, J. & Haaken, J. (1990, April). Intergenerational relations in the workplace: Older women and their younger co-workers. Paper presented at the meeting of the Western Psychological Assocation, LosAngeles, CA. |
Haaken, J. (1990, April). A critical analysis of the co-dependence construct. Paper presented at the meeting of the Western Psychological Association, Los Angeles, CA. |
Haaken, J. (1989, June). Psychoanalytic discourse and political praxis. Paper presented at the meeting of the Siegfried Bernfeld Group, Frankfurt, West Germany. |
Haaken, J. (1989, May). Women and co-dependence: The pathologizing of femininity. Paper presented at the meeting of the Oregon Psychological Association, Newport, OR. |
Haaken, J. (1988, October). Women and "love addiction": A psychoanalytic feminist critique. Paper presented at the meeting of the Northwest Women's Studies Association, Portland, OR. |
Smith, C.L. & Haaken, J. (1988, February). Another look at maternal employment effects: Older mothers and their adult children. Paper presented at the Conference for Developmental Psychology in Oregon, Silver Falls, OR. |
Haaken, J. & Korschgen, J. (1987, August). Social class and female adolescents' conceptions of the workplace. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, New York, NY. |
Haaken, J. (1987, July). Work and family in historical perspective. Paper presented at the Oregon Psychological Association, Wilsonville, OR. |
Haaken, J. & Korschgen, J. (1987, April). Social class, social cognition and working adolescents. Paper presented at the meeting of the Western Psychological Association, Long Beach, CA. |
Adams, R., & Haaken, J. (1982, December). Looking at Lifespring: Problems of ethnographic research in the human potential movement. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Los Angeles, CA. |
Adams, R., & Haaken, J. (1981, December). Anti-cultural culture: The influences of humanistic psychology on American conceptions of culture. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Los Angeles, CA. |
Haaken, J. (1981, November). Psychoanalysis and feminsm: Theoretical considerations for a rapprochement. Paper presented at the meeting of the Oregon Psychological Association, Portland, OR. |
Haaken, J. (1981, May). Incest: a family affair? Paper presented at the meeting of the Oregon Psychological Association, Newport, OR. |
Haaken, J., & Adams, R. (1981, April). Behaviorism, humanism and popular culture: a socio-historical analysis. Paper presented at the meeting of the Western Psychological Association, Los Angeles, CA. |
Haaken, J. (1979, November). Pediatric Liaison Services: Pitfalls and progress in the evolution of a Child Life Therapy program. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Association of Psychiatric Services for Children, Chicago, IL. |
J.Haaken : top | Papers Presented | Publications: Books, Journal Articles/Book Chapter |
other speakers: S.Golden | S.Lacy |
Publications |
Haaken, J. (1998). Pillar of Salt: Gender, Memory, and the Perils of Looking Back. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press. |
Haaken, J., & Michel, F. (in process). Corporate Illusions: Gender, Film, and Corporate Culture. |
Haaken, J. (in press). The womb of feminism. Battered women's refuge as social symbolic space. Journal of Psychoanalysis in Culture and Society. |
Haaken, J. (in press). Fantasies of forgiveness. A psychoanalytic perspective on reconciliation. In S. Lamb (Ed.) Psychotherapy and Forgiveness. New York: New York University Press. |
Haaken, J. (in press). Heretical texts: The Courage to Heal and the incest survivors movement. In Sharon Lamb (Ed.) New Visions of Victimhood. New York: New York University Press. |
Haaken, J. (1998). Women's stories of hidden selves and secret knowledge: A feminist-psychoanalytic analysis. In T. Sabin and J. deRivera (Eds.) Believed-In Imaginings: The Narrative Construction of Reality. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association. |
Haaken, J. (1998). The recovery of memory, fantasy, and desire in women's trauma stories: Feminist approaches to sexual abuse and psychotherapy. In S. Smith and J. Watson (Eds.) Women, Autobiography, Theory: A Reader. Bloomington: University of Indiana Press. |
Nathan, D. & Haaken, J. (1996, Sept/Oct). From incest to Ivan the Terrible: Science and the trails of memory. Tikkun, 29-30, 94-96. |
Haaken, J. (1996). Field dependence research: A historical analysis of a psychological construct. In B. Laslett, S. Kohlstedt, A. Longino, and E. Hammonds (Eds.) Gender and Scientific Authority. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. |
Haaken, J. (1996, Summer). The recovery of memory, fantasy and desire: Feminist approaches to sexual abuse and psychic trauma. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 21, 1069-1094. |
Haaken, J. (1995, May). The debate over recovered memory of sexual abuse: A psychoanalytic feminist perspective. Psychiatry: Interpersonal and Biological Processes, 58, 189-198. |
Haaken, J. (1994, Fall). Sexual abuse, recovered memory, and therapeutic practice: A feminist-psychoanalytic perspective. Social Text, 40, 115-135. |
Haaken, J. (1994). Women, recovery groups and "love addiction." In R.R. Watson (Ed.) Drug and Alcohol Abuse Reviews: Addictive Behaviors in Women. Totowa, N.J.: Humana Press. |
Haaken, J. (1993, Winter). From AL-ANON to ACOA: Co-dependence and the historical transformation of Care-giving. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 18, 321-345. |
Haaken, J. & Bowlden, L. (1992). Peleando contra la "guerra de las drogas" en Estados Unidos de America. In A.G. Cansino (Ed.) Drogas, Sociedades Adictas Y Economias Subterraneas. Mexico City: Ediciones el Caballito, S.A. |
Haaken, J. (1992, Winter). Beyond Addiction: Recovery groups and "women who love too much." Free Associations (London), 25, 85-109. |
Haaken, J. & Schlaps, A. (1991, Spring). Incest resolution therapy and the objectification of sexual abuse. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 28, 39-47. |
Haaken, J. & Bowlden, L. (1991, January). Fighting the drug war. Against the Current, 30, 19-26. |
Haaken, J. (1990, Winter). The Siegfried Bernfeld Conference: Uncovering the psychoanalytic political unconscious. The American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 50, 289-304. |
Haaken, J. (1990, November). A critical analysis of the co-dependence construct. Psychiatry: Interpersonal and Biological Processes, 53, 396-406. |
Haaken, J. (1988, December). Beyond the Cinderella Complex. Against the Current, 12, 13-18. |
Haaken, J. & Korschgen, J. (1988, Spring). Adolescents and conceptions of social relations in the workplace. Adolescence, 23, 1-14. |
Haaken, J. (1988, January). Field dependence research: A historical analysis of a psychological construct. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 13, 311-330. |
Adams, R., & Haaken, J. (1987, October). Anti-cultural culture: LIFESPRING's ideology and its roots in humanistic psychology. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 27, 501-517. |
Haaken, J. (1983, Winter). Freudian theory revised: A critique of Rich, Chodorow and Dinnerstein. Women's Studies Quarterly, 11, 12-15. |
Haaken, J. (1983, Winter). Sex differences and narcissistic disorders. American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 43, 315-324. |
Haaken J., & Adams, R. (1983, August). Pathology as personal growth: A participant-observation study of Lifespring training. Psychiatry, 46, 270-280. |
Davis, J., & Haaken, J. (1976). Dual therapeutic roles in the treatment of a psychotic child. Child Welfare, 55, 407-416. |
Haaken, J., & Davis, F. (1975). Group therapy with latency aged psychotic children. Child Welfare, 54, 703-711. |
Carlin, A., Beahrs, J., & Shehorn (Haaken), J. (1974). The impact of psychoactive drugs on hypnotic susceptibility. The American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 16, 267-269. |
J.Haaken : top | Papers Presented | Publications: Books, Journal Articles/Book Chapter |
other speakers: S.Golden | S.Lacy |